The funny question today dear friends. Is there a store where we can buy time? Unfortunately, more like this doesn’t exist and we must cherish every day passed with our family, our loved people. Today we will keep on this topic and will upload an advertisement that tells us clearly that the time can be sold in the stores. The short film that you will see is named: The Time Shop.

Also, read A B O U T what’s your’s will find the way to come to you, our last post shared n our page.
The short film is about the time shop. The story starts with a young girl that asks her parents to make a snowman with her but they don’t want to make it, because they just don’t have time. Next, girl went to the time shop and there she bought 1 hour and went home to give one hour to their parents and together to make a snowman. The person that gave her a ticket was actually Santa Clause ( I think so) and he taught her parents that we can all make memories with our children. We all have one hour to spend with our kids outside and make the best snowman, they deserve our attention as aparents to grow up happily!!!
This is the last post for today so keep following our page in the future and read interesting posts that we will be sharing with you. Thanks so much for the time and attention!!!