Hey friends. Coca Cola is the most usual drink that every person knows and consumes almost every day. some of them can’t imagine their life without drinking it but the others use it for other things. There are many unusual and strange situation where Coca Cola is used and we will show you all of them in the post below. We will show you how to clean the glasses with it, how to clean the gym of the hair and the toilet, how to help you flowers to grow faster. Coca Cola is the key to solve all the problem in life, stay with us and read the full text!!!
Clean eyeglasses with the Coca Cola
The very first use of Coca Cola is when you are on the beach, you have no water near but you must clean the sunglasses. Well, probably the bottle with Coca Cola is next to you and you don’t know that you can use it to clean the glasses with it.

If you have a gym in the hair, use this drink again, Coca Cola Is here for you!
In the second fact, we will show you to remove the gym in the hair in the same way as you will clean the sunglasses. Just ad the coca cola on your hair and you will have back your natural hair.

Relieve the pain with Coca Cola
Just pour the Coca Cola on the place where you are damaged and the pain will stop immediately. I think that we should try this thing to our kids and save them from pain because they are falling each day, even many times a day. Also, if you have bite marks from insects also use this drink and forget about the pain and red strains on your body.

Kill the mice with Coca Cola
You don’t have to bother yourself to buy and pesticide for your mice in the attic place but if you have Coca Cola at home your mice will be killed if you add this drink in on bowl. The only thing that mice need to do is to drink it and to die! In this way, your kids will be protected and you won’t be worried if they will accidentally catch the drink because this won’t be acid.

Also, follow this link and read about beautiful waterfalls around the world that will help you to decide where you will travel this summer. Thanks for your attention and keep following us in the near future to look for more ideas!!!